Consciousness approach to Management and Reversal of Type–2 Diabetes

Join NAMAH online and embrace the Consciousness Approach to Type-2 Diabetes with Dr. Yogesh Mohan, the Founder of Consciousness as Medicine. Discover a radical and effective way of tackling and overcoming this problematic disease. A totally integrated healing approach will be adopted, addressing the affliction from various angles. In an atmosphere of peace, love and trust, you will be guided to explore your inner consciousness to heal your body. Attend this workshop and it could transform your overall health and life.
The duration of these three sessions is for one hour 30 minutes from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. IST.
Payment link for Indian nationals and for people residing out of India.
For more details click here.
For more information, contact:
Phone: James +91 7094898789