Experience Sharing

Here  we are sharing a few healing experiences from our fellow travellers in the path of Consciousness as Medicine. They are the forerunners  who have demonstrated that it is possible to heal the body and the mind of various disorders just by restoring our being to her natural state, and by invoking the powers of  Nature and Higher Consciousness, which are infinite and easily accessible to each one of us.

Dr. Yogesh's transmission of beautiful healing energy through a very focused and structured meditation to easily and harmoniously journey within our body and feel one with all its parts and functions and experience compassion with its blockages

Auto Immune Workshop Participant 1

“If we continue doing Sadhana as per the guidelines, sincerely, honestly, and perseveringly with faith in he Divine, I feel not only me but also everybody can get rid of their diseases

Auto Immune Workshop Participant 2

Consciousness to every organ and feeling of love, care and gratitude for every organ will make us change the lifestyle in a way that does not harm the body. The kriyas and flow of pranas will heal.

Auto Immune Workshop Participant 3

While I was listening to Dr Yogesh Sir, I remembered that the inner work which was taken place from then and continuing, that helped me heal my body as well as mind. I am a living example of what Sir has shared in the workshop. I am also a Krishna devotee, and love to see all beings as living embodiment of Shri Krishna

Lung Disease Workshop Participant 1

As always, I deeply appreciate and enjoy the loving healing presence of Dr. Yogesh. His sacred guided meditations have profound powerful energy that uplifts all parts of the being to higher realms of consciousness. All parts of being bathe in loving healing energies. I experience deep gratitude and calm peace

Lung Disease Workshop Participant 2

Dr. Yogesh’s ‘Consciousness As Medicine’ approach has powerful healing capacities that can be directed to any part or system of the body that is calling for attention. I directed the healing energy towards the whole body, and this energy is driving me to make healthy choices with the food I choose to offer to the body, and the attitude with which I address it.

Lung Disease Workshop Participant 3