Healing the Heart – A Conscious Approach

Healing the Heart, an experiential workshop in series format spread over 3 days over 3 weeks was held from 3th-17th Sep 2022, organised by NAMAH, the Journal of Integral Health. The series was facilitated by Dr. Yogesh Mohan from Chennai.
The main premise of the workshop was to heal heart ailments through the power of consciousness, to use consciousness as an effective medicine with the expectation of making radical changes in our lives as without them nothing can truly change.
Dr. Yogesh convincingly believed that the human body has all the power and capacity within itself to heal and the role of the healer is only to help one discover that inner healer within and awaken that. Our body is not a machine. This is a conscious, breathing, living instrument. Most of us deal with our bodies as if they weremachines. If something goes wrong, we find the flaw to correct it. This is the simplistic view of the body. However we need to now change this view.
Secondly, each cell of the body has a single origin at one point of time. That means they must be connected to each other through some way or the other. Some ways we know, many we don’t. In a nutshell, there is always a connection with your body in every cell. There is an absolute supreme intelligence which is embedded in each cell. Extrapolating the above, every organ of the body is conscious in its own way. What it means is the organ has its own intelligence, it knows what to do, it knows how to connect with other organs and systems of the body, it also means that it is able to listen, react, and perceive all your emotions, thoughts and beliefs. Every organ of the body is actually listening to us and is responding to us.
One of the problems we face is that we feel separate and lonely from everyone else and from creation. That is because we live predominantly in our outer being, in our ego-personality. It is important to connect with the larger scheme of things, to the larger pool of humanity and to the larger nature of which we are a part. For instance, connecting consciously with the Sun, the Earth, the Trees, etc… Becoming a part of the bigger nature will help us solve the loneliness and littleness of our lives. This is highly therapeutic.
Emphasis on food was made because how to eat is equally important as what to eat. Through food we absorb so much energy and vibrations. Food is to nurture the body; it is not a pastime. It is important to have a healthy digestive system and a clean gut. A few ways to do that would be to eat only when your body needs food, only when it ios hungry, drinking enough water and sleeping well.
Dr Yogesh shared some practical exercises to connect to the body part and systems consciously to enable the flow of prana through them.
He reminded us that the Truth of our being is not the surface self, which is always restless, full of excitement, always wanting to do what next, desiring, cribbing, comparing, all this is only on the surface, just like waves on the sea. Our being is not limited, our consciousness is not limited, but we live in a limited consciousness. It is only when we learn to expand our consciousness, when we connect and identify with nature, the earth and sun, we expand our being. When we live in an expansive state of consciousness we become imperturbable.
And finally, healing depends on our aspiration, our opening and our sadhana. It is up to us to be exclusively open to the Divine consciousness and remain in touch with the rhythm of Universal Love.
Over 40 people registered for this workshop and the feedback was most effusive:
What did you did you enjoy the most in the workshop?
“Inner exploration.”
“The attention of the speaker, the commitment of the facilitator, the interaction of the audience.”
“Processes in the workshop with suitable explanation.”
“The idea of natural healing and love and respect for the body.”
“Thank you so much Yogesh ji for helping us to find the roots and the change experienced in these sessions. Words are not enough to recognise your genuine and sincere endeavour in helping us find and connect with our true self. Every time we try to face and solve the problems outside, we know where to find the answers.”
“Changes I perceive – I have observed that given the busy lives we all tend to live owing to the many things I have become ‘fast paced’. By bringing in ‘slowness’ it brings me the time and calmness to connect to each moment. And not live it habitually which is also unconsciously. I am slowing down more to draw the rasa from living connected with each moment.”
“My daughters, 8 and 11, fell sick with viral fever and this was a chance I saw as to fill them with trust in their bodies which heal if given a chance without medicines, with rest and good food and sun charged water.
They trusted the process. Got better in 2 – 3 days.
This is the biggest gift I feel as a parent that could transfer to a child. Faith and trust in their bodies’ ability right from childhood. I am happy to share that I too have received it from my mother. The innate trust.”