Restoring Immune Intelligence

This highly interactive and experiential programme was organised by NAMAH, the Journal of Integral Health, from the 4th to the 9th September, 2023 with an aspiration to facilitate the journey of management and reversal of auto-immune diseases by restoring immune intelligence, by truly understanding and applying a consciousness-based approach in our daily routine. About 35 people registered for this event.
On the first day, the foundation for healing was laid by the speaker very lovingly by consciously shifting the participants’ relationship with the body. The key idea that ‘we have to have a very intimate relationship with each organ, just like loving a child for its own sake’, was truly eye- opening. He also helped in understanding that the physical body is a conscious being, capable of knowing how to function and how to respond to each stimulus. It is fully receptive to compassion and the opposite. The speaker wonderfully held the space for the Presence to guide the process of deep relaxation and to consciously connect with each organ and take an affirmation that they are deeply loved and cared for. The key message that true healing is not just reversal of illness but raising the consciousness of the body so that it becomes resilient to future challenges.
On the second day, the session started with a deep relaxation followed by re-connecting with Mother Earth and surrendering all mental and physical pain. It was immensely healing and a sense of being relieved ensued. A most comprehensive daily routine was shared with insights and significance of each step. Connecting to the sun and absorbing prana; connecting to the earth, Solar water; a high pranic meal plan; sleeping with a higher state of consciousness were the initiatives explained thoroughly by the facilitator in context to the questions and challenges held by the participants. Suggestions on consulting a diabetologist (if diabetic) during the practice of the routine to monitor the required dose and to strictly avoid a list of foods that are not healing in nature, helped in establishing clarity in the practical aspects.
On the third day, as a continuum of the sources of energy (the consciousness in which the food is consumed) being discussed, a great insight of deriving energy from prana was demonstrated through practical pranic exercises for neck, spine and upper limbs. The key foundation of pranic exercises was explained herewith: perfection of the movement, synchronising with the breath and experiencing the change happening within the cells.
On the fourth day, guided pranic exercises for the lower limbs helped to observe how consciously breathing in prana through the muscles and chakras, brought in a sense of lightness and well-being instantly. As the most important step in healing, the facilitator had very consciously held space and invoked the Divine Grace and a series of steps to surrender the physical body, mind and ego as an offering, which was truly revealing the loving Presence in its full glory. We exist at different levels, the physical, mental, vital, etc. All the restlessness is only in the surface mind. If we go deeper, we have a deeper self that is in touch with the vast Silent Infinity. The above was brought out very experientially by the facilitator.
On the fifth day, in context to the questions asked by participants, deeper insights on sleep, gut health, self-compassion, self-pity, doubts and fear were given. Following which, a guided breathing through the chakras was held. The speaker helped in moving from the Muladhara to the heart and then deep into the cave of heart, to the psychic being. As the silence deepened, the facilitator held space for deep a surrender and protection by the Divine Grace.
On the final day, the facilitator summarised the process of healing with its deeper essence. After a sharing circle from the participants, questions were answered in the collective. Deeper insights on purpose-based living, surrender, the all-pervading consciousness, self-giving and progress were discussed. The sessions brought a deep shift within during the process and also the silence pervaded throughout the day. The presence held by the facilitator and the genuine intention to guide one-on-one towards healing was highly appreciated.
“An insight into being more disciplined for life, living in consciousness, and hope for healing the body, which I did not have before.”
“The meditation experience was amazing, and sleep has been better than it was.”
“Yes, dynamic living in consciousness, transformation of mind, emotions and life to achieve the overall healing, by which physical health is a by-product.”
“It was an enriching experience. Focusing on consciousness as healing is a new concept for me and I learned techniques to connect to body for healing.”
“Yes. During the workshop I could get rid of the pain in my left leg toe which was fractured one month back but was still hurting. Two sessions with Dr Yogesh and I am able to move the leg freely without pain.”
“Yes. It gave lot of practices which can be easily implemented. I need to work on them.”
“It changed my way of thinking.”
“All i was looking outside is within me.”
“Lot of inner openings.”
“I am able to go deep into my body and feel.”
“Awareness of self and connection with nature”
“It was an eye-opening workshop. Which makes me realise that nothing is impossible.”
“Consciousness to every organ and feeling of love, care and gratitude for every organ will make us change the lifestyle in a way that does not harm the body. The kriyas and flow of pranas will heal.”
“I aim to set right my routines, change priorities, a conscious approach to life.”
“It changed the way of looking at ourselves and the nature. And that there is nothing is impossible to heal.”
“The calmness I am experiencing after joining the course is wonderful.”
“True healing happens only when we connect to yourself and listen to body.”
“Only place I could not agree was a reference on previous birth. That is the only point of disagreement and it doesn’t have any impact on the workshop or facilitator . This workshop was a great insight and has a huge impact on me.”
“To overcome our disease and difficulties, this programme and guidelines have given a lot of confidence and made me very happy.”
“If we continue doing Sadhana as per the guidelines, sincerely, honestly, and perseveringly with faith in he Divine, I feel not only me but also everybody can get rid of their diseases.”
“This is totally innovative and very effectively shared by the facilitator.”
“Definitely it has given lot of strength. If we continue doing this Sadhana as per the guidelines, it may further reinforce us more and make us very strong.”
“It was taught in a meditative way, to go into our inner being and connect there, to not only heal our disease but to know our inner being.”
“It was helpful.”
“Since a few weeks I was having palpitations, these days helped me to be restful.”
“It gave confidence to work independently.”
“Dr. Yogesh’s transmission of beautiful healing energy through a very focused and structured meditation to easily and harmoniously journey within our body and feel one with all its parts and functions and experience compassion with its blockages.”
“Yes, it is effective. It fits well with my spiritual path and deepens the feeling of Her Presence.”
“Yes, as the specialists here told me that celiac is irreversible, Dr Yogesh Mohan said it may be reversed, even if the roots are in the genetics. Here, doctors say that it can only be reversed at a very young age.”
“The instructor and the participants – great synergy. Everyone was asking questions and engaged.”
“Life-changing again. Feel connected with class to make changes. Also feel that going on a retreat – Ayurvedic at the same time – the last two days – encouraged me to make life changes. I want a better life and eating is in my hands. The meditations too were awesome.”
[Practical take-homes]
“The healing food and the vitality of food, the breath and the kriyas, and the body as a lovely being connected to the universe, life force and to the earth and Divine Mother.”
“Eating right and working with the body will put everything in order hopefully. It is.”
“* Kriya exercises for the higher and lower parts of our body
* What to eat, how to eat, when to eat to have a good health physically, mentally and vitally.
* Also explained how to do Sadhana from Muladhara chakra to the Heart chakra to overcome our emotions, ego and come out from diseases.”